In-person in Tacoma & online for residents of WA State

Art Therapy for Asian American College Students

Stressed out by school?

Asian or even Asian-ish? Balancing school, social pressures, the need to work/study, and navigating family expectations is A LOT. There is no stigma in school stress, it just makes sense.

The Asian Mental Health Collective (AMHC) recognizes that the barriers to accessing mental health treatment and support are numerous, particularly for AAPI communities. Asian Americans are the racial group least likely to seek treatment or services for mental health, while at the same time Asian Americans age 15-24 are the only racial group with suicide as the leading cause of death.

If juggling everything is making you anxious, art therapy could be a good way to release some of that stress and get clear direction. Maybe art therapy sounds mysterious and you’re hesitant — that checks out. Therapy of any kind always comes with risks, and especially while in school, money is not easy to come by. Lucky for us, AMHC created Lotus Therapy Fund (LTF), a program making therapy more accessible to Asian individuals 18 years and older! You can apply to be a LTF recipient to get 8 fully-paid for sessions with Pearl Art Therapy in-person in Tacoma or online as Washington State resident.

Students that these Tacoma colleges & universities may benefit from in-person art therapy:

  • Tacoma Community College

  • Bates Technical College

  • Northwest College of Art & Design

  • Pacific Lutheran University

  • University of Washington Tacoma

  • University of Puget Sound

You are welcome to schedule a free 15 minute phone consult to see if we’re a good fit 😊

Get 8 FREE sessions at Pearl Art Therapy* through Lotus Therapy Fund!

Applications open on a quarterly basis, and typically remain open for a week.

Q1 application: Mid-December

Q2 application: Mid-March

Q3 application: Mid-June

Q4 application: Mid-September

To stay updated & know when to apply, follow AMHC’s Instagram or subscribe to AMHC’s newsletter!

*or the LTF provider of your preference

Want free therapy? Becoming a LTF Recipient starts with signing up here