A lil art making pep talk

Like many other artist-types, I was a shy kid. I am going to let you in on my favorite memory from the third grade because I feel like it.

It was December and we were all working on an easy assignment: coloring our own tree. I decided to fill my tree by scribbling my green colored pencil in different directions. One girl saw how I was coloring and felt the need to correct me. “You’re doing it wrong, do it like this!” She assured me that the correct way was to color all in the same direction. “See?” She held her tree up.

I was ready to accept this new way of coloring, until a boy at the table named Edwin perked up to defend me. “She can do it however she wants!”

To this day, I still color in multiple directions. Instead of seeing it as a flawed method, I consider it part of my style.

There you have it. Color the wrong way. Your timing doesn’t have to be perfect, and neither do you. And remember the wise words of Edwin <3

Doing things the “wrong” way is not always easy for me. Perfectionism crouches at the door for me too. I realized this story would be better shared during December. But did you know that in the Philippines, Christmas starts being celebrated in September, when the “-ber” months begin? So the Motherland starts celebrating when they want, and I will post this when I want.


Coping skill fortune cookies and resilience